The Atlantean Publishing Wiki

Monomyth Issue 32 (Number 30) / Volume 4.5


Released in November 2004, a month after the previous issue, with a cover by Richard Burman.


List of contents


  • This issue included reprints of each of the first three issues' covers.
  • Pentacle concluded in this issue, but was reprinted in its entirety in Monomyth 50.
  • The Case of Ezra Haig-Simpson had earlier been serialised in Monomyth, but was reprinted here in its entirety.
  • Richard Burman's poems in this issue had originally appeared as the earliest poems in Monomyth, and were reprinted here to celebrate the anniversary.
  • The Standing Stone was the second poem by DJ Tyrer to be inspired by Richard Burman's cover for issue one (the other being A Pause In Arcady; only one other such cover-inspired poem exists, Unbidden).
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